The Korean Society for Western Medieval History

본회는 서양중세사의 연구와 이와 관련된 학술활동 및 정보교류를 목적으로 한다.


The 7th Symposium : Deviations and Alienations of the Marginal People in the Medieval European Community
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2016-08-24 14:49
첨부파일 :

The Seventh Korean-Japanese Symposium on Medieval History of Europe 

第七次 韓日西洋中世史硏究集回

Deviations and Alienations of Marginalized People in Medieval European Communities

日時: Saturday, May 1, 2010 ― Sunday, May 2, 2010 
長所: The 6th Seminar Room of Inchon Memorial Hall at Korea University

Program / Proceedings-contents (學術發表紙) 한글 / Participants(參加者) / PHOTO

Arrival Day30(金) April 18:30 Reception Dinner at Holiday Inn Seongbuk, Seoul
1st Day1(土) May
 Morning Session: 9:00~12:30Opening Address: Chun-Chul CHANG
 Joint Presiders : Tetsuyuki SEKI & Joon-Chul PARK
 The Spanish Jews and Converts in Late Medieval Thought: Statutes of Purity of Blood and the Tract of Juan de Torquemada
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
2Young-Keon SEO
 The Background for Instututing the Pure Blood Laws and Conversos in the Late Medieval Spain 
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
Joint Presiders: Takashi AIZAWA & Joon-Chul PARK
3Masayuki FURUKAWA
 Purge or Remove: Persecutions for Jewish in the Late Middle Germany
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
12:30 Luncheon
Afternoon Session: 14:00~17:30Joint Presiders: Hee-Man LEE & Tadaaki KANZAKI
 4Hye-Min LEE
 Le blasphemecomme deviance verbale au Moyen-Age: bilan et perspectives 
PDF(French) , PDF(Korean)
5Shunichi AKASAKA
 What Was Cross Dressing in the Middle Ages? 
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
Joint Presiders: Eun-Koo PARK & Shunichi IKEGAMI
6Jae-Hyun KIM
 Magic & Wondering Women: Outsiders in Medieval Christianity 
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
7Masatake KUROKAWA
 Witches and Imagination in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Europe
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
18:30: Dinner
2nd Day23(木) August
 Morning Session: 9:00~13:00Joint Presiders: Chong-Kyung LEE & Yukio ARAI
 8Hyun-Ran KIM
 Ambivalent Attitudes toward Women in Late Medieval Europe: Misogyny and the Cult of Women
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
 Religious Women in Medieval East Anglia-Not isolated, but marginalized 
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
Joint Presiders: Kyung-Koo Lee & Il-Hyu KANG
10Yong-Ku, CHA
 Hildegund von Schonau ? Eine Mittelalerliche Transgender - Eine historisch-psychologische Analyse - 
PDF(German) , PDF(Korean)
11Yong-Jin PARK
 The Lower Class in the urban revolts in the Late Middle Ages
PDF(English) , PDF(Korean)
Closing Address: Atsushi KAWAHARA
18:30 Farewell Dinner


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