The Korean Society for Western Medieval History

본회는 서양중세사의 연구와 이와 관련된 학술활동 및 정보교류를 목적으로 한다.


The 6th Symposium : The Communications and Networks of Medieval Cities in the West
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2016-08-23 17:53
첨부파일 :

The Communications and Networks of Medieval Cities in the West 

The Sixth Japanese-Korean Symposium on Medieval History of Europe

第六次 日韓西洋中世史硏究集回

日時: Wednesday 22 August - Thursday 23 August 2007
長所: Graduate Seminar Room at Keio Gijyuku University, Tokyo

Program / Proceedings-contents (學術發表紙 目次) Participants(參加者) / PHOTO

Arrival Day21(火) August 18:30 Reception Dinner at Keio GIjyuku University
1st Day22(水) August
 Morning Session: 9:00~12:30Opening Address: Atsushi Kawahara
 Joint Presiders : Hee-Soo Lew & Atsuko Iwanami
1Heung-Sik Park (Seoul National University)
 Handlernetzwerke in der Anfangsphase der Hanse(Network of Hanseatic Trade) 
2Takashi Aizawa (The University of Tokyo)
 Der Stadtetag und die politische Solidalitat der Reichsstadte am Ende des Mittelalters 
 Coffee Break
Joint Presiders: Il-Hyu Kang & Yo Tokuhasi
3Jong-Kuk Nam (Dongguk University)
 Les reseaux maritimes de Venise a la fin du Moyen Age(Maritime Network of Venice in the Later Middle Ages)
12:30 Luncheon
Afternoon Session: 14:00~17:30Joint Presiders: Il-Hyu Kang & Yo Tokuhasi
 4Hye-Min LEE
 The solidarity and the network system of the Genoesse merchant family in the Later Middle Ages: the case of the Lomellini 
 Coffee Braeak
5Yong-Jin Park (Seoul National University)
 The Network of the Urban Revolts in Northern France 
Joint Presiders: Eun-Koo PARK & Shunichi IKEGAMI
6Yoshiaki Omi(Senshu University)
 Le reseau des revoltes urbaines dans le nord du Royaume de France a la fin du Moyen Age? des revoltes urbaines de Paris et de chaque bonne ville ?(The Network of the Urban Revolts in Northern France during The Middle Ages)
18:30: Dinner
2nd Day23(木) August
 Morning Session: 9:00~12:00Joint Presiders: Jae-Hyun Kim & Tomohisa Fujita
 7Hee-Man Lee (National Institute of Korean History)
 The Intellectual Infrastructures and Networks at Paris in 12th and in early 13th centuries 
 Coffee Break
8Takashi Jinno (The University of Tokyo)
 Intellectual Networks of Humanists at the Councils of Constance and Basel in the 15th Century 
12:00 Luncheon
Afternoon Session: 13:30~17:00Joint Presiders: Hee-Man Lee & Taiichirou Sugizaki
 9Jae-Hyun Kim (Korean Institute for Advanced Theological Studies)
 Pilgrimage and Towns in Medieval Christianity
 Coffee Break
10Tetsuyuki Seki (Ryutsuu Keizai University)
 Pilgrimage to Santiago de Comopostella and the Supporting Travel Network 
Closing Address: Chun-Chul Chang
18:30 Farewell Dinner


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